Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Review of Personalized Multimedia Tool

The Personalized Multimedia Tool used is called 3ants.hostoi.com. This site does help in terms of viewing and finding information relevant to the topic given. However, there are some drawbacks to it. The first time I tagged and shared information, it did not appear in my tag and share history. So I had to redo what I did earlier. I could not find some of the videos I shared earlier and so I had to search for new ones. The site also requires that you update your personal information each time you log in. This is tiresome and a waste of time because this information rarely changes. Also, it takes a long time to load each page and to move from one page to another. Nevertheless, there did seem to be an improvement in the last few days. Overall I would say that the cons outweigh the pros. 

click here to visit the site 

LTE Channel Types

click to read

A little information on the different channel types used for uplink and downlink in LTE. It contains information on the physical, transport and logical channels. There are also other links on the site which offer other information on LTE.

WiMAX vs LTE Cant Be A Battle

click to read

This article asserts that WiMAX and LTE will both enjoy a share of the market. This is ulike recent trends that have seen one technology triumph over another and then dominate the market. Both WiMAX and LTE have a role to play because both seem to have good sustainability.

World's Smallest 4G LTE USB Router

The video shows how modem for 4G is becoming smaller without compromising on quality. This would please the current users who always look for smaller gadgets and portability.

Telia 4G LTE network speed test

The video shows a speed test of 4G LTE in Sweden. The results are very impressive. Uplink speed is around 5 and downlink around 20+ Mbits.

4G LTE More Than Just Speed

This video shows how LTE technology can improve our lives and what is being done to further improve communication in the future. It is clear that we can certainly look forward to exciting times.

The Simple Truth About LTE


The presentation of information is done very well and grabs the attention of the viewer. It presents the capabilities of LTE and how it could better our lives.